
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Collective Fusion: A Salon Style Non-Juried Exhibition by the Faculty, Staff and Friends of the Gallery at Pittsburg State University.

Collective Fusion: A Salon Style Non-Juried Exhibition by the Faculty, Staff and Friends of the Gallery at Pittsburg State University.

Collective Fusion 2

Harry Krug Gallery:  March 10 – April 12, 2011
Opening Reception:  March 10: 5:00 – 8:00 pm.
 The Pittsburg State University Art Department is pleased to host this exhibit featuring the artwork of, Cynthia Allan, Mark Barnes, Helen Beare, Jill Campbell Debbi Fischer, Steve Ford, Dave Gordon, Lindell Haverstic, Roy Janisch, Larry Jump Harry Krug, Suzanne Lindsay, Phil McNew, James McBain, Ann Meats, Camille Olcese, Holly Page, Nikki Patrick, Chuck Rickel, Russ Rosmait, Paul Smith, and Rebecca White.
 A non-juried salon style exhibit roughly interpreted means “if they bring it, we’ll hang it” until we run out of wall or floor space. The only restriction is in regards to size and the amount so that we have room for everyone, although typically “salon-style” means the work is hung vertically, ceiling to floor, as well as around the perimeter of the gallery.
 This promises to be an exciting event as we see the range of artistic talent that inhabits many of the buildings and offices at PSU besides those of us teaching and working in the art department.  The opening and reception will coincide with the Open House in Porter Hall March 10, 2011 from 5:00 – 8:00pm, and the PSU Biannual Art Department Faculty exhibit.